How is Human Photo Editing Better Than AI Editing?


The world of photo editing is changing incredibly fast. New AI tools are arriving with the ability to instantly remove skin blemishes or change the backgrounds of photos. However, as for perfect photo editing, manual work is still considered to be one of the best options. 

There are many Online Photo Enhancer Company such as Global Photo Edit, where professional photo editors play the key role having professional skill with artistic sense. They work on all the aspects of brightness, contrast, and angles, and could turn an ugly duckling into a swan. As more and more AI image tools and apps are flooding the market, it's time to decode how human editors are better than AI. 

Professionals at Online Photo Enhancer Company vs AI Image Editing 

Creativity and Vision

Digital media editing tools powered by AI are trained on large datasets of image files and hence it mimics certain styles and effects. However, they do not possess the creativity and vision as a human editor. An experienced editor should be able to understand your requirements and provide the particular edit required for the picture. 

For instance, if you have a product photo for your online selling store. An AI tool might enhance the image and perhaps eliminate small defects. A human editor, however, can do much more than just that. 

It can construct an interesting image, draw attention to the particular merits of the product, and generate a certain emotional response from the audience. This is where Invisible Mannequin Photo Retouching Services will be of so much help. These services outset the mannequin reducing the product and its details into the background leaving the product alone and looking professional.

Attention to Detail

Though, AI can work very quickly to make basic edits but here it lacks the elements of critical perception in a picture. We believe that a human editor is far more capable of eradicating disturbances in the video, regulating light or shading in certain territories, and providing the outcome authentic and genuine looking. 

For example, imagine that you and your family are in a favourite picture; nevertheless, there is something in the background which is rather unpermitted. An AI tool might face some issues using them and might fail to remove it completely, perhaps even leaving behind traces or making the objects look quite unnatural. While a human editor at Online Photo Enhancer Company can go through the design, notice the offending object and delicately remove it without damaging the other parts of the design. 

Advanced Techniques and Expertise

The image editing professionals have considerable knowledge of sophisticated editing tools like dodging and burning, frequency separation, selective color adjustment features, etc. These techniques give one sort of control over one area of an image, and as such yields a neater and more professional look. 

For instance, you have a portrait photo that has been done on different lighting and has uneven skin tones. An AI tool might provide the option to select ‘skin-smoothing’ by default which can make the skin look very fake most of the time. 

A human editor can apply frequency separation to skin tones, and then retain the natural look by preserving the skin’s tones and details. Having such expertise ensures that the project is edited flawlessly and makes the work look more realistic. 

Understanding Your Vision

It is not just about having the proper tools and getting the skills to use them; it also involves the ability to convey what you want. A human editor will be in a position to possibly consult on what you would want to see and the overall aim could be either an aesthetic one, emotional one or a technical one. 

For instance, you may have a travel photo as the background image, with perfect scenery but little, or no liveliness. An Online Photo Enhancer Company such as the Global Photo Edit can sit down with you and help improve on colors and even add contrast to the scene making it more real but not so much as it appears photoshopped. This way of working together makes sure that the final result is a perfect match with your idea. 

Flexibility and Customization

AI photo editors use those tools that have a narrow set of predefined filters and other enhancements available. Smart and sensible human editors can approach each of the images uniquely and this means that real custom editing can be made. 

Suppose you had a series of old family photos that need to be restored. An AI tool may be unable to adapt to the particularities of aged photographs, namely, low contrast or scratched images. Such a photo can be restored by a hired human editor without losing its face value and historical reality. 


Despite such technological advancements that will aid human editors through AI editing tools, there is no way artificial intelligence will completely substitute human editors. 

As many clients have testified, for exceptional results, superior quality, and a personal touch, the human touch cannot be beaten when it comes to photos. We have seen how companies, such as Global Photo Edit develop an extensive list of services available, including Invisible Mannequin Photo Retouching Services, to online product photo editing and more with a team of experts. 

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